Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Good Girl Gone Wrong

So, i am up late tonight wandering around the Internet, and watching the DNC. I happen upon The Fall River Herald news and saw this article. http://www.heraldnews.com/homepage/x590310333/Keri-Rodrigues-wont-work-for-DAI have a few insights on this matter.

1. "Rodrigues described a hostile work environment at her former radio station that forced her to not only leave her radio job but also give up her new profession with the District Attorney’s Office."

I don't know why anyone would give up a new profession for something that has happened in the past. It's the past, you no longer work for WSAR, so move on. If not in radio, in whatever you want to do. But do not let the past get in your way.

2. “They have taken that from me, they have shattered it."

No one is capable of taking anything from you. As long has you have your hopes, dreams, and commitment, then no matter who you are you can accomplish anything!!!!!

3."She said her tires have since been slashed and she has received two threatening voicemails and notes taped to her car window."

Lets see the receipts for new tires, hear the voicemail, and see the notes.

4."I can’t attribute any of that to any one person, but I have a young child, and this is not a safe environment to be in,”

Once again bringing her child into whatever story she is taking about. Baby Matthew is thrown into the middle of everything, and it's quite ridiculous.

I know Herren is not a angel by any means, but he is an adult. I find that people are forgetting that and still believe that he is a kid. I think that he is far beyond, slashing tires, leaving threatening messages, and taping notes to car windows. If you cannot attribute what has happened to you, to anyone person then do not play the media and make it look like you are fingering them out. If you are a broadcaster, then you are fully aware of how the media works and how to use the play on words. How come Kerri did not go to the Herald News right away? Why wait weeks to go to the paper, and if you were harassed, threatened, etc. why not go to the police right away? It does not happen often but today i do agree with the Hurricane, Kerri lost her job and her feelings were hurt. She got caught in places she was not allowed to be, and now wants vengeance. I hope that people can see through this attack, that it is just Kerri being Kerri. I am excited to see how this plays out. But good for her for putting the Hurricane on the front page of the paper.


Anonymous said...

Ok Phillomena, let's address your assessment.

1)"I don't know why anyone would give up a new profession for something that has happened in the past. It's the past, you no longer work for WSAR, so move on. If not in radio, in whatever you want to do. But do not let the past get in your way."

What if you worked for politically connected people who were threatening to put political pressure on your new boss if you didn't keep your mouth shut and do exactly what they wanted -- even in the new job? Because that's the situation.

2. “They have taken that from me, they have shattered it."

"No one is capable of taking anything from you. As long has you have your hopes, dreams, and commitment, then no matter who you are you can accomplish anything!!!!!"

Thanks for the rosey outlook, but in real life hopes, dreams and commitment aren't enough to bring home the bacon. Especially when you have thugs and bullies attempting to intimidate you.

3."She said her tires have since been slashed and she has received two threatening voicemails and notes taped to her car window."

"Lets see the receipts for new tires, hear the voicemail, and see the notes."

You really, honestly think she would leave a solid gig at the DA's office if she was not legitimately concerned for her safety? You think she would make this crap up, quit her new job and move immediately from the area because of some stupid little thing that had happened -- or something she made up? Honestly? Or are you so desperate to find an excuse that you'll believe anything other than what really happened? By the way, read tomorrow's Herald News, because she does have evidence that she has given them directly.

4."I can’t attribute any of that to any one person, but I have a young child, and this is not a safe environment to be in,”

"Once again bringing her child into whatever story she is taking about. Baby Matthew is thrown into the middle of everything, and it's quite ridiculous."

This is a story about HER LIFE. A real person, with a real child and their LIVES -- and being intimidated physically and verbally. She fears for HER SAFETY and the SAFETY of her child.

God, if you think Herren is above this kind of stuff, you must not know him.

This blog is a complete waste of time.

Phillomena said...

Seriously, politically connected people, political pressue, keep your mouth shut or else? Sounds like a bad wise guy movie.
oh, i forgot the thugs and bullies!

I will read the paper tomorrow, and i do hope that no matter who slashed her tires, left notes, etc gets punished. That's simply a work of a child.
She did not leave a solid gig, she never showed up. I am wondering if i do not show up at work if the herald news wll be called! lol

as far a this blog being a complete waste of time....it reall isn't.

New England Bites said...

No one should ever be bullied. I'd like to see how this all plays out. Eventually we'll all know who was telling the truth.

Laura C. Monteiro

PS - Phil, can't wait for your Feast blog! LOL!