Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Good Girl Gone Wrong

So, i am up late tonight wandering around the Internet, and watching the DNC. I happen upon The Fall River Herald news and saw this article. http://www.heraldnews.com/homepage/x590310333/Keri-Rodrigues-wont-work-for-DAI have a few insights on this matter.

1. "Rodrigues described a hostile work environment at her former radio station that forced her to not only leave her radio job but also give up her new profession with the District Attorney’s Office."

I don't know why anyone would give up a new profession for something that has happened in the past. It's the past, you no longer work for WSAR, so move on. If not in radio, in whatever you want to do. But do not let the past get in your way.

2. “They have taken that from me, they have shattered it."

No one is capable of taking anything from you. As long has you have your hopes, dreams, and commitment, then no matter who you are you can accomplish anything!!!!!

3."She said her tires have since been slashed and she has received two threatening voicemails and notes taped to her car window."

Lets see the receipts for new tires, hear the voicemail, and see the notes.

4."I can’t attribute any of that to any one person, but I have a young child, and this is not a safe environment to be in,”

Once again bringing her child into whatever story she is taking about. Baby Matthew is thrown into the middle of everything, and it's quite ridiculous.

I know Herren is not a angel by any means, but he is an adult. I find that people are forgetting that and still believe that he is a kid. I think that he is far beyond, slashing tires, leaving threatening messages, and taping notes to car windows. If you cannot attribute what has happened to you, to anyone person then do not play the media and make it look like you are fingering them out. If you are a broadcaster, then you are fully aware of how the media works and how to use the play on words. How come Kerri did not go to the Herald News right away? Why wait weeks to go to the paper, and if you were harassed, threatened, etc. why not go to the police right away? It does not happen often but today i do agree with the Hurricane, Kerri lost her job and her feelings were hurt. She got caught in places she was not allowed to be, and now wants vengeance. I hope that people can see through this attack, that it is just Kerri being Kerri. I am excited to see how this plays out. But good for her for putting the Hurricane on the front page of the paper.

wsar radio host

I have been laying low for quite a while, listening, asking questions, going to meetings and I have to say that many people around Fall River are not very nice. For instance, the man who yelled. "let's go" as I was walking across the street, IN A CROSSWALK. How about the lady who left her 4 year old son alone while she and her apparent "baby daddy" had a screaming match in the street. These are just two examples of what you see here in the city we call home. By far the worst I have seen are the blogs, the comments, and lack of common courtesy. In the grand scheme of things I guess it could be worse. So with out any further adieu I give my take on who should be host.I am sorry that I do not have a particular name in mind, but before anyone actually fills the slot I think that WSAR should let them be their own person without any political agenda. Tell the news of the day, tell the truth, or try to get it, and talk facts. I could go on there and fill a show with my opinions and insult anyone that disagrees, but honestly I am just sick of listening to it.I never actually listened to Kerri. I was not around when she was in the afternoons, and my life just does not have me up early in the morning. As for knowing if she bashed anyone who was not a liberal, I cannot say. However, I tend to catch Barry Richards and on more than one occasion he, and his callers, have done some liberal bashing. I will give one example, he was referring to something and said, "every single liberal" Yeah, he would get that answer wrong on a true and false test. There is an exception to everything.Since it is quite obvious to any one paying attention that this city thrives on politics, I am probably living in a dream world. Drama gets the listeners. I am fully aware.Maybe WSAR could tie the two shows together instead of pitting them against one another. Let's say Hurricane had an interview with the mayor, the AM person could talk it up, get questions the public want answered and hand them over. Work together people. I know when Barry talked up the Sox tickets the Hurricane had to auction off to help the baseball team get back their equipment, I stayed close to the radio so i could call and help out.Again maybe I am dreaming, maybe everyone needs something to bitch at, maybe you really can't make someone happy. But as I was writing this I thought of a perfect morning host. The old bartender from the Belmont, Cliff. I was saddened to find out last week he no longer works there. Someone should find him and give him the job. He was intelligent, honest, has a nice demeanor, and wasn't out to piss people off.That's my vote.